Category: Leadership

Wealth Does Not Make You a Leader

A world that primarily teaches that striving for success, recognition and self-realization are the noble goals in life has not understood the fundamental meaning of being human. Science and studies suggest what constitutes the meaning of life and creates satisfaction. And even though we live in an information age and most information is available to us almost instantly, we find that it is all nothing and contributes little to our peace of mind. This is the crucial fork in the road in life. The recognition of a Creator who endows us with abilities far beyond our imagination. Only when I realize that I am a spiritual being, created and released with a personal purpose, do I understand the fullness of life. Solomon, the richest and wisest king in the Old Testament, had the same experiences on his way to achieving contentment: material things and wealth are empty. But why do so many managers still fall into the same temptation?

High Performance Habits

We must be willing to look beyond our limitations, beyond what we can achieve naturally. We must be able to clearly see where we need to go to grow, serve and lead.

Manager versus Leader

Unfortunately, people often talk about leaders who are not. Or from managers who have no leadership qualities. The direct translation from English is not helpful in this regard, because a leader is more than just a manager! They differ in the following points: 1. Vision and goal setting 2. Motivation and inspiration 3. Approach to change 4. Decision making 5. Communication 6. Employee development 7. Influence and power A true leader gains influence through credibility, trust and respect. The power of true leaders lies in their ability to inspire and rally others towards a common goal. True leaders are and were: Jesus Christ, Martin Luther King Jr, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Nelson Mandela.

The Law Of Empowerment

Take care of your employees and recognize the people behind the work and position. People are not machines, not even you! You must recognize and promote this. People want to be seen. They want to receive recognition and trust. You too, don't you?