Is Your Horse Still Alive?
Is Your Horse Still Alive?
A piece of wisdom from the Daktota Indians says:
“When you discover you're riding a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount.”
Although logical and obvious, many people are unable to apply this metaphor to their behavior in other areas.
The education system in German-speaking countries aims to ensure that mistakes are bad and must be avoided at all costs. As a result, people become incredibly creative in hiding mistakes or making light of mistakes.
This creates behavior like:
- Tighten the reins and use the spurs more often and more strongly.
- Get a stronger whip.
- Insert another rider.
- That's how we've always done it, it has to work.
- We form a working group to analyze the horse.
- We provide additional resources to increase the horse's performance.
- We are changing the criteria that determine whether a horse is dead.
- We form a quality circle to find a use for dead horses.
- We are revising the service description for dead horses.
- We create a nice graphic that shows what the horse could do if it lived.
Everyone certainly has examples. I notice that over the last 2 1/2 years this behavior has reached a level of creativity that has crossed the line into outrageousness.
If you have doubts, don't be afraid to ask someone for advice.
Never stop working on your personality.
Never stop growing personally.
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