Guilty of The Same Error

Guilty of The Same Error

Be Willing to See The Truth

"For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice."

Romans 7,19

Oh, how proud we are of the achievements of the modern world. We humans have come a long way! Take a look at the technical progress: cars, airplanes, computers, smartphones, and much more.

We believe advertising, scientific statements and trust that everything is for our benefit. We trust others and become comfortable. I described the resulting problem in the blog article Monomaniac and will not go into it further here.

People build their own worldview based on this information, often misinformation. It is underpinned by beliefs and values ​​and with every confirmation from outside, the worldview is further strengthened and, above all, defended against different opinions.
We find it difficult to admit shortcomings or to ever admit that we are wrong. We don't want to admit to ourselves that a situation is different than we wish it were. So we're kidding ourselves. And because we don't see the truth, we can't act accordingly.

A good exercise is to admit to ourselves a painful fact about ourselves every day.

A successful personality does not lie or deceive other people and is honest with themselves.

Sincerity is based on honesty and self-understanding. No person who lies to himself by explaining something rationally or by telling himself “reasonable” lies can be honest.

There is the following recipe for such people:
Search for the truth, seek true information about yourself, your problems, other people, or a situation, regardless of whether it is good or bad information.
Adopt the following motto: “It is not important who is right, but what is right.”

An automated guidance system corrects its course based on negative feedback information. It acknowledges mistakes in order to correct them and stay on track. You also have to apply the same behavior. Admit your mistakes and mistakes, but don't cry about them. Correct them and move on. When it comes to people, try to look at the situation from their point of view as well as yours.


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